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Shirley Bazoni



“ The picture was drawn by my son, in high school. And I took it and showed it to the art instructor in the high school and he said 'Well, he’s good enough to do textbook material now, but he won’t make any money at that, so it’s not a good idea for a career.' So, he went on to college at Cornell University, and then he went on to Texas A&M and got a Ph.D. And so, he didn’t follow his art through that time because he had a lot of studying to do. Now, he teaches at a school in South Carolina. If you coax him, he’ll do some artwork, now he’s about ready to retire and then I hope he will have some time to do that because he’s got talent. I have none, and he’s the only one of my three sons that has that talent. So, I’m hoping I’ll get some other work from him also. But he likes animals and that’s some in pencil. It adds interest to my life as his mother, I enjoy his art and I’m glad he made her [the bird drawing]. 

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